December, 2022 Board Minutes

The monthly meeting of the PAGC was called to order at 5:30pm on December 1, 2022.

Present: Marinkovich, Zimmer, Kaku, Clauson,Kirpekar, Pickett, Barkley, Black, Shiver.

Absent: None

Guests:  Driver, Walker


  1. Approval of the November meeting minutes:  Motion, Marinkovich, 2nd Pickett, approved.

  2. Walker suggestion from last meeting re: additional points for major events tabled until next year.

  3. Last meeting tonight for 5 Board members- Zimmer, Black, Shiver, Kirpekar,and Barkley.  There were 102 votes cast for the 5 new Board members.  Marinkovich will on-board the new members.  Congratulations and good luck to the new members and thank you to those terming out.

  4. Black presented an overview of the new website, how to edit, etc.  Looks great!  Administrator privileges will be determined for editing purposes and content. Heath will be the 'super' administrator. Thanks to Heath for the time and effort!

  5. Tournament Update:  Pickett announced that the 2023 calendar has been completed, adding Bayonet, Half Moon Bay, and Monarch Bay.  He noted that the number of walkers has increased and will try to work out walk vs. cart pricing with each venue.

    1. There was considerable discussion about how to handle tie-breakers, card or playoff?  Kaku indicated that the USGA rules differ from the PAGC.

    2. A motion to use tie-breaker for 1st place, and payout same amounts for ties in 2-5th place rather than use tie-breaker was made  by Black, 2nd by Shiver, approved.

  6. Finance Update: Marinkovich presented the November and YTD financial results.  Onbudget with a projected $1500.00 dollar balance at year's end.  There are 51 average players per tournament YTD.

  7. Handicap Update:  Nick Williams will take over Handicap Director on January 1.

  8. New Business:  Discussion re: Shiver email re: Skins.  It will be up to Tournament Director's to determine whether to add skins or not. The collection process to be worked out.  GG does have the ability to capture gross and net skins collections and payouts.(as an aside, my Quail club does this for every tournament using GG).

  9. Marinkovich to take over as Tournament Chair in 2024.  Shiver agreed to assist.

  10. Motion by Marinkovich, 2nd by Zimmer to donate $2300.00, 50% to 1st Tee, and 50% to Youth on Course was approved unanimously.

  11. There being no further business and Doug needing to get to the Stanford, UCLA basketball game, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.


January, 2023 Board Minutes


November, 2022 Board Minutes